Lesson 5: Out of this world and into the classroom.
Out of this world and into the classroom. By Stacey Salt inspired by an out of this world experience with Matthew Salt and Tenby at Marsden Moor The view from the top of the moor I am a fan of the simpler things in life, literally, the simpler the better. No fuss, no millions of moving parts and stress free. After a year of doing a lot of work on myself, this concept was even more important to me with my 40th birthday approaching. Last year, I was envisaging a huge party, saxophone, everyone I know, Gatsby style. You name it, my head was thinking it, an ‘ out of this world ’ birthday party. Then, reality hit and the practical chemicals in my brain came into action, I knew that I would just be stressing myself out, spending money I didn’t have for the sake of one night. Instead Matt organised me a family meal, and we did something I knew would be better for me, good for my mental health and what I would love doing. Matt took the day off work and we went on a big trek around Marsden Moor...