Introduction ...Forget-Me-Not - A Celebration
Forget-Me-Not - the flower for Dementia On December 3rd 2021 my beautiful, kind and caring Nanny Dot passed away, after a long battle with dementia she put her dancing shoes on and waltzed her way to heaven to meet my Grandad. This has been one of the most heartbreaking experiences of my life, my heart still aches. One thing Nanny would not have wanted is for me to be sad, she would 100% want me to be strong and think of the positives from her passing. Nanny Dot was one of the most caring, bravest, strongest, kindest people on this planet - she truly was, she lived life with deep rooted values such as care, kindness, compassion, integrity and love. Nanny taught me so much, she was and is my educator for life. Today marks Nanny Dots 90th birthday, although she isn't here (god she would have loved the fuss made of her today and the copious amounts of Port) I wanted to celebrate my Nanny, her legacy and everything she taught me through th...